terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009
Sixth International CCN Conference
The sixth international Consumer Citizenship Network Conference dealt with: Making a difference: putting consumer citizenship into action
The conference investigated the proactive role of the consumer in the transition to more sustainable human development around the world. Central topics which were focused on were: understanding consumer citizenship behaviour; education for consumer citizenship; and cooperation to further consumer citizenship. The conference marked the conclusion of six years of cooperation between the partners of The Consumer Citizenship Network and the transition to new forms of collaboration. 200 persons from 40 countries attended. The conference particularly appreciated the presence of participants from Burkino Faso, Kenya, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, Chile and Brazil.
The CCN conference included: panel discussions on issues such as global perspectives on education for sustainable consumption as well as 62 research paper presentations on a wide variety of topics some of which were:
Effects of Personal Carbon Trading
Designing Rituals to Promote Sustainable Ways of Living
Life Values as the Basis for the Formation of a Citizen
The understanding of the Social Responsibility and Consumer Rights in the countries of the Former Soviet Union.
Consumptions and lifestyles in the press
New alliances among food producers and consumers.
Psychometric evaluation of children‟s eating behaviour: a tool to improve education regarding children‟s food consumption
Green consumption – a state responsibility?
The UNEP Global Environmental Citizenship Project and the Participation of Latin American Consumer Organizations
Examining attitudes of consumers in Poland
Enabling consumers to change the market by participation in the decision making process
Fair Trade and donations: Do consumers care?
Transdisciplinary Consumer Citizenship Education
Using fashion as a platform to engage & excite
From Consumer to Stakeholder Citizenship: A Model for moving towards „World Citizenship‟
Windows of opportunity for sustainable consumption: The de-routinization effect of life events
Education for sustainable development: The case of traditional life skills among the Nama people,in Namibia
Consumer Citizenship Education in Japan‟s Home Economics Curriculum
Consumer Empowerment in the Digital Era. A Case Study of ICT - Enabled Process in South Africa and Norway
Gender empowerment in Nepal for sustainable development
The conference was organised by The Consumer Citizenship Network, an Erasmus thematic network of educators and researchers. The conference was hosted by the Technical University of Berlin, Germany and coordinated by the Hedmark University College, Norway. The conference was made possible with the support from the SOCRATES programme and the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Family Affairs and Ministry of Education and the Swedish Marrakech Task Force for Sustainable Lifestyles.
Marco Ogê,
Social Innovation,
DESIS Workshop
Aconteceu em São Paulo, nos dias 05 e 06 de novembro, durante o II Simpósio Internacional sobre Design Sustentável (ISSD)/II Simpósio Brasileiro de Design Sustentável (SBDS), o Workshop DESIS09 (Design para a Inovação Social e Sustentabilidade).
O workshop faz parte da série de workshops denominados DESIS09, realizados precedentemente na China, África e Colômbia por membros da rede internacional DESIS (www.desis-network.org). Houve um estímulo a aplicação no Brasil da metodologia DESIS09 que, partindo da apresentação e discussão de casos de inovação social, promove um exercício de design, buscando exemplificar soluções e estratégias para o aprimoramento e difusão daqueles casos que possuem reconhecido valor em termos sociais e ambientais.
O workshop, aberto ao público, foi conduzido por membros nacionais e internacionais rede DESIS (Design and Innovation for Sustainability) sob a coordenação de Carla Cipolla (DESIS Brasil).
DESIS é uma rede internacional que reúne escolas de design e outros atores interessados em promover e dar suporte à ações relativas ao design para a inovação social e sustentabilidade. E´uma organização no-profit, concebida como uma rede de parceiros colaborando em um espírito peer-to-peer e articulada em diversas redes DESIS locais (China, Brazil, Colômbia, USA, África, Europa).
Além dos participantes do evento que se inscreveram no whorkshop e de Carla Cipolla (DESIS Brasil), estavam presentes alguns representantes da rede DESIS International: Mugendi M'Rithaa (DESIS Africa), Andrea Mendoza (DESIS Colombia), Liliane Chaves e Marco Ogê (DESIS Brasil).
carla cipolla,
Marco Ogê,
Mugendi M'Rithaa,
Social Innovation,
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