sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009

Hideki Nakahara

Marco Ogê and Hideki Nakahara in CCN Conference Brlim Dinner, 2009.
Prof. NAKAHARA Hideki is Council Member of International Green Purchasing Network; Chair of Green Purchasing Network, Japan. Nakahara is professor of Faculty of Environmental & Information Studies of Musashi Institute of Technology and also professor of graduated course of Musashi Institute of Technology (both in the Japan). Nakahara’s current research is on subjective sustainable consumption & quality of life. He is Chairman of the Green Purchasing Network in Japan. Major publications are: “ Wither Human Ecology (2004)", "Sharing the World (2000)", "Eco-label and Green Marketing (1998)"and so on. 'Nakahara also is the executive director of Academy of Environmental Management.