Podem ser feitas até o sábado, 15 de agosto, as inscrições de resumos para a segunda "Service Design Network Conference", cujo tema, este ano, é "Beyond basics" ("Além do básico") e que acontece nos dias 27 e 28 de outubro em Funchal, na ilha portuguesa da Madeira. Os trabalhos poderão ser apresentados como palestras/slide-shows, papers ou oficinas, e a conferência é aberta a uma grande variedade de temas em design de serviços, desde estudos de caso completos a aspectos interculturais, mudanças comportamentais, avaliações de retorno de investimento, entre outros. O custo de participação na conferência, para profissionais, será de € 750 até o dia 1º de setembro, passando, após essa data, a € 820. Para estudantes, o custo é €480.00. Estão incluídos, em todos os casos, almoços e coffee-breaks, jantar de gala, serviço de transporte para o aeroporto e duas noites de hotel. Mais informações no site:
Call for Papers
We would like to invite you to submit abstracts for contributions to the second Service Design Network Conference, 26/27th October 2009, which aims at going beyond the Service Design basics presented at the first sdn Conference in 2008.
abstract submission
We are looking for presentations and workshops on academic research, commercial projects, social case studies and other exploratory work that touches on the processes and implementation of Service Design both in depth and in detail. We are particularly interested in submissions that focus on the following:
• full Service Design case studies on projects (conception, methods, application, results, ROI)
• advanced Service Design methods
• full service systems, integration of stakeholders
• B2B focus
• sales and/or management aspects within Service Design consultancies
• return on investment, evaluation of Service Design projects
• the aspect of interdisciplinary within both the design team and the client team
• overcoming barriers to the implementation of Service Design
• Service Design in global cultural context (use and misuse of the term)
• Service Design and behavioural change
• performing arts and Service Design
As well as the topics mentioned above, abstracts are welcome that focus on the advanced application of Service Design and various controversial aspects relating to the academic and/or practical activity within this design discipline. All kind of submissions will be judged on appropriateness, originality and expertise.
Submission should be in the form of abstracts no longer then 150 words that describe the content of your presentation and what conference participants will see and learn from your presentation.
form of presentation
Please state in which kind of format you would like to present your topic. The following formats will be possible:
• oral presentation/slide show
• paper presentation
• workshop
presentation submission
As soon as your presentation is accepted, you will be ask to submit the following data:• name and full contact information (address, email, phone, fax)• CV (100 words containing title and profile)• title of submission• keywords• full paper or presentation (if submitting a paper, it should be a PDF not longer than four pages, including references, appendices, and figures - please use our formatted template)
Copyright remains with the author. Authors grant unrestricted permission for the Service Design Network to publish the accepted submissions on the sdn website and in other media (flyer, conference agenda etc.) without additional consideration or remuneration.
August 15th deadline for abstract submission
August 31st acceptance notification
October 10th full presentation submission
October 26th sdn conference presentation